Software & Development

Intellij Idea IDE wrong charset/font (basically gibberish)

If you have problem with Intellij Idea, where the content of any files and even the characters you type are encoded improperly, simply switch your theme to another and back (in my case from Darcula to Intellij and back to Darcula).

Here are some screenshots describing the problem:

idea_gibberish1 idea_gibberish2

Software & Development

Slovenčina pre phpBB 3.1.3 dokončená

Dokončil som preklad slovenčiny do phpBB 3.1.3 (medzičasom tu už máme 3.1.7, takže mi to trvalo nejaký čas).

Download je na tejto stránke a začínam pracovať na verzii 3.1.7.

Plugins & translation

Slovenčina pre phpBB 3.1 v procese prekladu

Na tejto stránke priebežne aktualizujem preklad phpBB 3.1 do Slovenčiny:

Slovenčina pre phpBB 3.1

Ak sa chcete niekto pripojiť, alebo ste našli chybu, dajte mi vedieť na lacike at

Software & Development

Batch convert, resize and rename picture v.2

Batch convert, resize and rename picture now supports selection of every X-th file, find you more HERE.